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Scientifically proven ways to get your life on track:

Syeda Aiman Miraj
3 min readMar 20, 2021


You want to take over the world but you can’t get out of bed in the morning. I got you.

If you want to know about someone’s personality. Know their routine. So without further ado let’s jump to morning routine.

Morning routine:

So here are some simple yet effective tips to make your whole day productive:

  • First thing first, keep your phone under your bed or outside the room. So when your alarm goes off, you’ve to get up from your bed to turn it off.
  • Start off by making your bed, it wakes you up.
  • Do your morning rituals: breakfast, brushing teeth, having a bath or anything you like.
  • Then sit and plan your whole day. Make a to-do list.
  • Do some exercise of your choice whether it’s in the gym or at home.

Challenge yourself:

You might have heard people talking about “15/30/60 days challenge”. On Instagram stories or YouTube videos.

It’s very important to have discipline in your life. You’ve to admit that you want to achieve a certain goal, adopt a habit or get rid of some habits so how do you do that.?

Here’s the deal: Set a challenge whether it’s 15 days or 30 days.. Think of goals you want to achieve and write it down. For example;

  • I’ll not smoke for 30-days.
  • I’ll exercise for 45 minutes everyday for 30-days.
  • I’ll read 10 pages of non-fiction everyday.
  • I’ll study for an hour every day (risky tee-hee).
  • Write 2 things which I’m grateful for every day.

Keep it short and simple at first and step up your game. It’s totally up to you if you want to make a list of Dos or DON’Ts..!

And you’ve to do everything by yourself. You can get knowledge from anywhere. But it’s you who have to take action because knowledge without action is of no use. The key to success is that you’ve to keep promises to yourself. Start with baby steps. And do one thing and you’ll notice a huge change I guarantee!

Set your biological clock and don’t let your body and mind control you. Be the driver of your thoughts and keep a check on them, don’t let them wander here and there like stray dogs.

Stop staring at the screen and change your life right now.

Night routine:

3..2..1 Method:

  • 3 hours before bed => No food or alcohol
  • 2 hours before bed => No more work
  • 1 hour before bed => No more screen time ( Turn off phone, TV etc)

Before bedtime, do something calming. Something that you love; it might be skincare, exercising, reading. Spending some quality time with family and kids, playing a game like chess, ludo.

forget everything for sometime. Clean your brain. Detox.

Do some stretching. Think or write about 5 things that you’re grateful for.

Bonus tips:


  • Take out 10 minutes everyday either in the morning or night to talk to yourself. Ask yourself how are you, What’s going on, Do you have any problems? Let’s solve them!

This is an effective exercise.

  • After waking up, look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a high five and smile, that will the tone for your day.

Tell the world what you intend to do, but first show it.

— Napoleon Hill

